Lower your energy costs up to 25% while increasing comfort levels

Digital Operator

Lowering energy costs with 25% while improving comfort levels? Sounds nearly impossible, but let me tell you it’s not.

With Jenny, the Digital Operator of R8 Technologies, it’s a no-brainer.

Every medium and large scale commercial real estate has a building management system (BMS) .

Typically, that system works based on rules, if it’s too warm, it will start cooling and vice versa. What if I tell you that there’s an upgrade available which allows your BMS to think ahead, considering the energy prices, the weather predictions, inertia of the building. This upgrade creates transparency with fault detection, comfort improvement, and most importantly: it saves up 25% on total energy consumption.

Where in the old days a BMS would be serviced once or twice a year, Jenny works 24/7, learning and improving all the time, without you having to worry about it.

De 10 concepts van WELL

It works simple: Jenny will be connected remotely to your BMS through a secure connection, and start with just listening and learning from the building for a couple of weeks. It identifies anomalies, tells you what the technical condition of the system is, identifies the baseline of energy consumption and creates insight on the comfort levels in your building.

After the first phase and the handover of the Building Performance Analysis, Jenny will start to optimize settings and setpoints by making thousands of micro adjustements. With this, we’re able to reduce comfort complaints with 70% and save up to 25% on total energy costs.

Use case Digital Operator